Why won’t they execute?
‘I’m sick of my team talking repeatedly about the same things but not doing anything about them’.
When she shared that with me, my poor client had steam coming from her ears.
‘Everyone keeps telling me how busy they are, but if they started doing the work rather than moaning about how busy they are, they’d be much further forward’, she continued.

It’s within her gift to interrupt that pattern of behaviour.
I gave her four questions to experiment with:
One – ‘You’re talking about how much you have to do – if you could put those things in priority order, what would your first priority be?’
And then – ‘If that’s your priority task – what’s the outcome you want from doing that task?’
And then – ‘what steps do you need to take to help you reach that outcome?’
And then – ‘What’s your first step?’
That’s it.
‘Isn’t that micro-managing?’ she said.
No, it isn’t.
It’s helping them think clearly and organise their thoughts into priorities.
Those questions were specific to her particular situation, but you can tweak them and make them your own.
To your success always.