Work with Lynn
Measurable success for you, your team, your business
I’m very proud of the work I’ve done with leaders and teams over the last 20 years. It’s practical, focused on YOUR real world and I GUARANTEE you will get results if you put the work in – starting with one step and building from there.
One to one Coaching for Leaders and Managers
Whether you’re a new CEO, a director or senior manager who wants to be more successful without working harder or a first time leader who is going places we can help you to significantly raise your game and be the leader that others want to follow. One thing’s for sure. You’re already doing good work and want to be even better. Find out more about working 1-1 with me.
Leadership Development Programmes
Bespoke programmes for leaders run in-house. An example of this is the Leading with Impact programme I ran for 80 of Bauer Media’s managers.
Coaching for Teams
Our Winning Teams Programmes for senior teams will deliver outstanding results in organisational and behavioural change. But only for those teams who are ready for the challenge. See an example of how we work with teams in this case study.
If you’re looking for something shorter and sharper to help you lead your own team more creatively we recommend our in-house Build a Winning Team Masterclass. This masterclass is packed with simple but effective tools and creative ideas to use immediately with your own team.
Training Team Coaches
If you’re an experienced leadership coach wanting to add team coaching to your portfolio our Ultimate Team Coaching Solution may be just what you are looking for. It’s ILM endorsed and has ICF CCEUs. I’m an ICF Master Coach with 14 years’ experience of working with teams.
Coaching Supervision
If you’re a coach, and serious about being the best coach you can be, you’ll invest in your own development and have some form of coaching supervision. We do – It’s absolutely fundamental to helping us deliver the best possible coaching for our clients. If you’re an internal coach or an independent executive, leadership coach or mentor we also offer you supervision – and we’re entirely flexible making sure it meets your needs and the needs of your clients.
However you choose to work with us, the results could be, well, amazing.
Talk to us today.
Phone 01729 548024 or email.

”The sessions really helped me understand the new corporate role and enabled me to think through the expectations and translate these into practical leadership actions, which I think are raising the profile of business resilience and inspiring other leaders to respond.”
Geoff Brown, Director
Helena Partnerships