Stop whingeing about your boss (do this instead.)

We’ve all been guilty of a whinge-fest or two about our boss.
‘She doesn’t care; he’s not clear, he doesn’t listen, and she keeps piling work on to us and cancelling my 1-on-1s’.
In my experience, no boss is trying to do a lousy job. Your boss probably experiences self-doubt, too many demands from others and a pile of plates to juggle, just like you do.
Often, we expect them to be mind-readers, or they expect us to be mind-readers. That’s where our communication misfires. We’re simply two humans trying to do our best in a world of complexity and ambiguity.
So rather than wishing your leader was better, how about asking, ‘How can I help my leader be a better leader?’
If you think your team might be whinge-festing on you (as if!), turn the question around and ask them: ‘What one thing can I stop or start doing today to be a better leader?’
This proactive approach puts you in the driving seat of your leadership life.