Masterclass for Leaders 9 December 2022

Do your thoughts really create your reality?
In this masterclass on 9 December 2022 we explore the idea that your thoughts have a big impact on the successes and results you get in leadership life. (So often we site external circumstances rather than notice the link between our thinking and our results).
The challenge for all of us is that much of our thinking is unconscious – so how do we even recognise our thoughts ‘in the moment’ and know what we can do with them to get more of the outcomes we want?
Many, many times in my coaching work I’m asked for tools, techniques and strategies – but no amount of tools or techniques I can give you will compensate for a lack of belief or thoughts that are not serving you.
We’re exploring all of this in this masterclass.
Date: Friday 9 December 2022
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 GMT
Place: Zoom
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